Director. Theatre Maker.

University of Alberta - Bachelor of Arts in Drama


“the whole show exudes a carnivalesque feel…a laugh-out-loud comedy and the dark horrific nature brings it the forefront. I am positive you will laugh out loud one minute and the next moment cry.”  - Anne Borowiecki, St Albert Gazette (Read the full review here)

Listed as a ‘Production to See" by Liz Nicholls - Edmonton Journal (See full list here)

 “It’s bloody, fantastical, constantly pushing limits, and taking steps outside the norm….Clown, Circus, Pulcinellas, mask it [Crazyface] draws from all these absurd elements, and brings them together” - University of Alberta Express News


Crazyface by Clive Barker

Abbedam Productions at University of Alberta | Second Playing Space | 2010

A fool's epic revolving around the life of a young man as he stumbles through anachronistic Europe in pursuit of his true love and the gift of God: chocolate. A dark comedy involving clown, mask, and blood!

French Spy: Owen Bishop
Ella: Elana Bizovie
Pulcinella: Heather Brooke
The Priest: Liam Coady
Beggar: Nick Eaton
Bandit Captain: Noori Gill
Mother of the Briade: Caitlin Goruk
Italian Spy: Todd Housemann
Pulcinella: Georgia Irwin
The Bride: Mariann Kirby
Crazyface: Neil Kuefler
Father of the Bridge: Max LeBeuf
Mengo: Colin Matty
Sheba: Tori Morrison
British Spy: Ryan Kuefler
Irvette: Christina Patalas
The Angel: Laura Porter
Front of House: Annie Pumphrey
Lenny: Zvonimir Rac
Annie: Andrea Rankin
Beggar: Kristin Stec
The Clown: Mark Vetsch
Spanish Spy: Sam Volkov
Pulcinella: Marlee Yule
Ensemble: Multiple undergraduate students

Director: Andrew Ritchie
Assistant Director: Mark Vetsch
Stage Manager: Alex Patalas
Set Designer: Tennyson Menze
Costume Designers: Lindsay Phillips & Sarah Jackson
Lighting Designer: Holly Cinnamon
Mask Designer: Katrina Bray
Sound Designer: Graham Mothersill

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard

University of Alberta | Second Playing Space | 2009

Acclaimed as a modern dramatic masterpiece, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead is the fabulously inventive tale of Hamlet as told from the worm's-eye view of the bewildered Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, two minor characters in Shakespeare's play.

Guildenstern: Lianna Makuch
Rosencrantz: Hannah Spear
Hamlet: Colin Matty

Director: Andrew Ritchie

Dog Opera by Constance Congdon

University of Alberta | Second Playing Space | 2009

Peter and Madeline have been friends since they were teenagers in Queens. They have Manhattan apartments and separate unsatisfactory sex lives. Though more loving than most couples and searching for partners, they are incompatible: he is gay. Maddi is overweight and drawn to men who treat her badly. He hides behind snappy retorts and skepticism. Maddie's alcoholic mother, Peter's father, lovers, pickups, and friends with AIDS move through their lives. A homeless teenager, a thief, and a poet who would rather be called a whore than a hustler because he doesn't try that hard, address the audience to throw everyone's problems into perspective.

Madeline: Elena Eli Belyea
Peter: Kevin Bennet
Ensemble: Mark Vetsch

Director: Andrew Ritchie

Problem Child by George F. Walker

University of Alberta | Fine Arts Building | 2008

Problem Child tells the story of an ex-prostitute and drug-addict and her significant other, a TV-addicted ex-con, trying to deal with a by-the-book social worker in order to get her child back from the system. Violence, as with all the plays in the cycle, is a constant presence. The work contains perhaps the most hilarious surprise of the entire cycle.

Denise: Elena Eli Belyea
Helen: Lianna Makuch
Phillie: Neil Kuefler

Director: Andrew Ritchie