Director. Theatre Maker.

A Midsummer's Lucid Dream

A Midsummer's Lucid Dream adapted by Andrew Ritchie

Thou Art Here Theatre | University of Alberta’s LRT Station, HUB Mall, Fine Arts Building | Found Festival | Strathcona Community League/Playground | April & June 2012

Site-specific roving adaptation of A Midsummer's Night Dream focused on the four lovers. Follow Hermia, Helena, Demetrius & Lysander on their wild night through Old Strathcona. A new Nick Bottom is chosen every show from the audience!

Oberon: Perry Gratton (June)
Hermia: Katie Hudson
Titania: Georgia Irwin (June)
Egeus/Fairy: Sarah Jackson
Demetrius: Neil Kuefler
Puck: William Mitchell
Titania: Laura Nichol (April)
Oberon: Ben Stevens (April)
Lysander: Brendan Thompson
Helena: Marlee Yule

Director: Andrew Ritchie
Stage Manager: Lindsay Phillips